Fradswell Community Hub
Fradswell Lane • Fradswell •Staffs ST18 0EY
Village Hall Hire
In line with Village Hall covenant, Fradswell Village Hall is only available to hire for residents of Fradswell and those of neighbouring parishes:
Burston - Gayton - Hixon - Hopton - Milwich - Salt
Sandon - Stowe by Chartley - Weston and Leigh.
Hire charges are as follows:
Hourly hire:
Non - Residents £20
Fradswell Residents: £15
Half day hire - up to 6 hours
Non-Residents: £100
Fradswell Residents: £70
Daily Hire - an elapsed period giving 15 hours of use (as the hall cannot be used between midnight & 9am)
Non-Residents: £170
Fradswell Residents: £120
Half day and daily hire can be combined with additional hours, booked at the hourly rate.
Please note: When booking the hall at any time, your event set up/clear up must be included in the hire period. Please ensure you book adequate hire time to allow for this.
A refundable deposit of £100 is required for all half-day/day/wedding hires. This will be refunded after the event, providing there be no damage or non- cleaning.
If alcohol is being sold at an event, our Booking Secretary will need to see proof of the appropriate licence for the sale of alcohol.
We regretfully advise that we cannot take bookings
for teenage parties.
Wedding Hire
Wedding hire
Our beautiful hall makes a stunning wedding reception venue. It's available for hire to residents of Fradswell, Milwich and neighbbouring parishes only.
Maximum number of people: 80 (Please note that if you intend to have a dance floor and sit-down meal, suggested max no. is 60 - tables will need to be removed after meal to make room for dance floor)
Non-residents: £340
Fradswell Residents £240
(this price includes access for 'setting-up/cleaning up' time -7pm fri-noon Sunday)
Wedding hire packages:
(all for max 80 people)
White chair covers and blue sashes £80
White linen tablecloths £75
Crockery, glasses and cutlery £50
The above 3 packages are also available together for £200
Please ensure you read the 'Responsibilities of Hirers' information sheet
before using the hall.

Draw: 2nd Saturday of month.
Proceeds: 60% village hall funds 40% to winner!
Winner gets £100+
Tickets £5 by standing order
Contact Tom - or any committee member

Public use defibrillator is sited near Village Hall front door.
No training needed. Verbal prompts throughout.
Open box & take defib to emergency point